

Home>Major>The Urban and Rural Development Plan of the Partner Assistance Model in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of Guangdong (2011-2020)

The Urban and Rural Development Plan of the Partner Assistance Model in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of Guangdong (2011-2020)

Department of Housing and Urban-Rural of Guangdong Province


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Emphasize on improving people's livelihood and livable urban and rural construction. Improve the urban and rural service ability by attaching importance to urban system planning, urban and rural housing security, urban and rural infrastructure and public service system construction. Make a detailed analysis of the problems existing in urban development, housing security construction, infrastructure construction, public service supply and etc from the most necessary and most imperious demands of local people, and put forward the corresponding development strategy.

Through the construction of four major urban and rural demonstration areas , namely, city life demonstration area, integrated demonstration area of new town construction, modern agriculture demonstration area, and new industrial demonstration area, further improve the service efficiency of funds, strengthen the project coordination function, give full play to the demonstration effect of pairing-assistance construction, and bring more social resources to support the leap-forward development of the region receiving assistance.

Firmly grasp the work spirit of Partner Assistance Model in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of Guangdong, and plan the relationship between "blood transfusion" and "blood generation" as a whole well. The recent work is given priority to "blood transfusion": through the assistance funds, projects, talents and other resources, improve the development condition of assistance receiving region, and drive the urban and rural construction development. At the same time, highlight the "blood generation" function, complete the planning in technology and talents transporting, and improve the self-development ability of assistance receiving region.