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  • No.6 Planning Institute

    Planning Sixth Institute has now 25 employees, of which 2 are professor-level senior urban planners, 5 are above senior planner, 3 are state certified urban planners; 15 holding master’s degree or above, forming a professional design and service team for urban and rural planning with core technical backbones leading the role and with complete echelon.

  • Characteristics of Department

    It presided over and undertook many projects in Guangdong and other provinces, covering the areas such as space planning, integration of multiple planning, urban overall planning, strategic planning, detailed planning, urban design, landscape planning, small town planning, village planning and all kinds of specialized planning, leaving footprints in Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Jiangmen, Yunfu, Zhanjiang, Shantou and others in Guangdong province and other provinces such as Ningxia, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangsu and so forth. We established our special brand in the aspects of space planning and integration of multiple planning, overall planning, special towns and villages, beautiful villages, greenway planning, vertical planning and so on.

  • Typical Projects

    Over the past few years, the planning sixth institute undertook more than 60 projects such as regional planning, urban (town) overall planning, space planning and integration of multiple planning, controlled planning, urban design, specialized planning (vertical, advertisement and Three-Old Renovation), beautiful village and research projects. Typical projects include Development Planning for Town Group of Shaotou, Chaozhou ang Jieyang (2013-2020), Jiangmen Main Functional Area Planning, 13th Five-Year Plan for Improvement of Rural Living Environment in Guangdong Province, Space Planning for Yuanzhou District of Guyuan (2016-2030), Controlled and Detailed Planning for Unplanned Area of Jingkai District of Mianyang, Regional Planning and Design for Wanghong Junction Stations, Concept Planning for Zhuxi Hub New Town of Jiangmen, Village Planning Standard (international), Specialized Planning for Greed Road Network of Wenzhou City, etc..

  • Development Philosophy

    The planning sixth institute is a team not afraid of difficulties and has solid foundation, advancing with the times and having the courage to bring forth new ideas; is a team full of passion, forging ahead in unity, and it strides forward toward the direction of development of forceful comprehensive planning institute under the guidance of development goal of setting up first-rate forceful planning institute.

    Director of institute: Wang Hao
    Vice Director: Zou Weiyong
    Director Assistant: Wei Jiandan
    Post code: 510290



Jiangmen Main Functional Area Planning


Third Prize of Guangdong Excellent Engineering Consultation Achievement in 2014-2015


Controlled Detailed Planning and Urban Design of East Region inTaishan City


First Prize of Jiangmen Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Design in 2015


Specialized Planning of Greenway Network and Greenway Design in Wenzhou City


Third Prize of Excellent Planning of Third China’s  Landscape and Architectural Society


Controlled Detailed Planning and Urban Design of East Region inTaishan City


Praise Prize of Guangdong Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Design in 2015


Overall Planning and Controlled Detailed Planning of Nyingchi Prefecture Lulang International Tourism Town


First Prize of Guangdong Excellent Engineering Consultation Achievement in 2012-2013


Specialized Planning of Greenway Network and Greenway Design in Wenzhou City


Third Prize of Guangdong Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Design in 2013